Bernie on… meeting Jon Ritman
Bernie on… Batman Begins
Bernie on… The look of Batman
Bernie on… Head Over Heels
Bernie on… the look of Head Over Heels
Bernie on… large heads
Bernie on… the Prince Charles Dalek in Head Over Heels
Bernie on… the complex reincarnation fish
Bernie on… brainstorming names
“Foot and Mouth was basically a working title [for Head Over Heels]. I remember going in to a production meeting with the two bosses at Ocean and we had a fun brainstorming session where I came up with most of the names, including Rough and Tumble and Head over Heels. As a productive creative lyric and songwriter, coming up with names is my forte. The characters were never intended to be male or female; as a politically aware youngster, I was nervous of appearing sexist, racist and brutalist.”
Bernie on… Head’s origins
“Head is actually based on an original cartoon character called the Park Creature who was a natural animal trying to get by living on an industrial estate, surrounded thugs and dumbies. The inspiration for the Park Creature was Charles Schultz’s Snoopy and the idea for the bulldog chewing a wasp face of Heels was a reference to the fact that he had to carry Head most of the time. Oops, a bit of 'objectification' slipped in there!”
Bernie on… Monster Max
Bernie on… life after the 80s
Bernie on… then
“For me it was a dream time playing instead of working which offset what was a very stressful period for me in my personal life. But we grow up and we move on. Good luck on any future projects, Graeme.”
Thanks Bernie, for everything.